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[flutter]Execution failed for task ':shared_preferences:verifyReleaseResources'.


When I try to make an apk with flutter for publication with Google Pay and do flutter build apk, the above error occurs and I can not build.


It seems that it is useless unless the compileSdkVersion of build.gradle is 28 or higher.

This is written on various pages, so immediately changed

android / app / build.gradle

However, the error is not resolved.

Actually, if you have a third party library installed, build.gradle exists for each library, so all of those compileSdkVersions must be 28 or higher.

In my case, as mentioned above, there is an error in shared_preferences, so looking at build.gradle in shared_preferences at

External Libraries / Flutter Plugins /

, I found that compileSdkVersion was 27.

According to the official website, it seems that the version I had installed was old. After editing pubsec.yaml and updating to the latest version, I was able to build successfully.


If you want to pub get, make sure to include the latest version. Especially when copying and pasting from a web page, the version may be out of date, so be careful!

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