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[Flutter/Dart] Initialize state with remote database data in redux

Things to do

Use Redux for state management. Let the state be AppState.

  1. Start acquiring data from remote database when app starts

  2. Get Data

  3. Waiting indicator is displayed during acquisition

  4. Create AppState from acquired data

  5. Draw UI based on created AppState


To achieve 3, 4, and 5, add a "fetched" flag to AppState (*1).

The view switches the display based on this flag (*2).

If you add the flag as an AppState variable, the view will automatically be rebuilt when the flag changes.

For 1, let's add an Action (FetchDataAction) that handles data acquisition

Start fetching data from the remote database by dispatching a FetchDataAction.

In the middleware, when FetchDataAction is dispatched, the data is acquired (above 2), and when completed, an action (ExchangeStateAction) is dispatched to replace the contents of the store with the acquired AppState (*3).

At this time, also change the value of the acquisition completion flag (*4).

When the ExchangeStateAction is dispatched, the reducer replaces the store state (*5).

The code looks like this:

class AppState{

  final ItemListState itemListState;
  final bool fetched;  //(※1)

void AppStateMiddleWare(Store<AppState> store, dynamic action, NextDispatcher next) async {

  if (action is FetchDataAction){
    if (!store.state.fetched) {
      AppState state = await getData();  //data acquisition
      state = state.changeFetched(true);  //(※4)
      store.dispatch(ExchangeStateAction(state)); //(※3)

AppState appStateReducer(AppState state, action){

  if (action is ExchangeStateAction){
   return action.state; //(※5)

Widget build(BuildContext context) {

  return StoreConnector<AppState, bool>(
    converter: (store) => store.state.fetched,
    builder: (context, fetched)=> Navigator.of(context).push(
        builder: (context) => fetched? MainPage(context): 
         CircularProgressIndicator(); //(※2)


It's easy to understand, but I had a hard time at first. In redux, it takes a little while to get used to where and what processing is done.

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